Age Discrimination Law
You Should Be Judged on Your Work, Not Your Age. The Law is On Your Side
It is one of the most pervasive and unacceptable effects of the Great Recession: As employers look for every opportunity to save money, many are increasingly looking for ways to push older workers out to bring in younger (and less expensive) employees.
Unfortunately for employers, discrimination on the basis of age (40 and older) is illegal, period. If you believe that your boss took a negative employment action against you because of your age, we want to help you evaluate your legal options. Our firm is dedicated to upholding the rights of employees in California, and ensuring that employers who choose to ignore the law do not get away with discriminatory behavior.
Were You the Victim of Promotion Discrimination or of Forced Early Retirement? Your Employer May Have Broken the Law
Age discrimination can exist anytime an employer takes any of the following actions with age as a factor:
- Hiring
- Termination
- Promotion
- Demotion
These aren’t the only situations where a worker can experience age discrimination, however. Discrimination may also exist when an employee is subjected to continuous, severe harassment because of his or her age. People who are forced to endure unrelenting negative comments about their age — to the point where it is difficult, if not impossible, to focus on their jobs — may also have a claim of workplace harassment against their employers.
While occasional, offhand comments like referring to someone as “old man” don’t indicate a hostile work environment by themselves, they may provide clues to how an employer views certain workers — and therefore, how they may make important personnel-related decisions.
Speak With an Experienced Age Discrimination Lawyer About Your Case
Send an email or call 310-205-2020 for a free phone consultation with an experienced California age discrimination lawyer. Your consultation will be completely confidential, and your employer cannot punish you for seeking our help.
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