Los Angeles Employment Law Blog
The Concept of the Similarly Situated Employee
California workers who file discrimination lawsuits against their employers may need to identify a similarly situated employee who was treated differently. The idea of the similarly situated employee may differ if the case is a class action one, but for an individual complaint, a similarly situated employee is someone who is comparable in several ways. Factors such as experience level, supervisor, performance evaluations and job duties may make another worker a similarly situated employee.
Female Doctors Face Gender And Maternity Discrimination
A recent survey published by JAMA Internal Medicine, 4 out of 5 respondents out of nearly 6,000 physician mothers surveyed reported experiencing discrimination, either in reaction to gender or maternity. While there were limitations to the design study, and there is a possibility that respondents may have self-selected to some degree, the survey quantifies what many female doctors have been reporting for years.