Google Announces an End to Mandatory Arbitration for Workers

Google Announces an End to Mandatory Arbitration for Workers

Google employees will no longer be prevented from taking part in class-action lawsuits or suing the company over matters such as wrongful termination and discrimination. The California-based company announced that it was relaxing its mandatory arbitration rules in a Feb. 21 press release. The move marks the second time the it has relaxed its rules regarding workplace claims in recent months. In November, Google waived its mandatory arbitration requirement for assault and sexual harassment claims after 20,000 of its employees walked out in protest.

Most Employees Alleging Breastfeeding Discrimination Lose Jobs

Most Employees Alleging Breastfeeding Discrimination Lose Jobs

It’s no secret that some employers in California and elsewhere across the country fail to provide adequate accommodations for breastfeeding. When this happens, nursing employees often face potential health risks and other challenges. According to a new study focusing on this topic, two-thirds of breastfeeding discrimination cases over the past decade resulted in employees alleging this type of discrimination being terminated.

Employees Sue Over Alleged Racism at GM Plant

Employees Sue Over Alleged Racism at GM Plant

General Motors is a very familiar brand in California and nationwide. The company employs thousands in many locations, but a specific plant in the Midwest appears to be a hotbed of racism. Three lawsuits targeted the same plant where African American workers claimed that the workplace tolerated racial slurs, verbal attacks, racist graffiti, and the display of nooses.

Age Discrimination is a Common Problem

Age Discrimination is a Common Problem

In 2000, individuals over the age of 65 made up about 12 percent of the United States population. By 2050, it is expected that roughly 22 percent of those living in California and throughout America will be over the age of 65. Therefore, it may be necessary for individuals to spend additional years in the workforce. However, most people still prefer to start collecting Social Security benefits at age 62.

Google Announces an End to Mandatory Arbitration for Workers

Google Employees Looking to End Forced Arbitration

California employees may be familiar with forced arbitration clauses in employment contracts. These clauses require workers to resolve disputes with employers by going before an arbitrator. In many cases, employees’ odds of winning are lower when compared to taking a case to court. They may also receive less compensation than they might be entitled to in a court case. A group of Google employees is looking to call attention to the issue of forced arbitration through a social media event.