Understanding Your Rights Concerning FMLA and CFRA Claims
One of the greatest advancements for the cause of workers’ rights is the acknowledgement that workers need to have a balance between their work and home lives. Few laws have helped encourage a better work-life balance than the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and its state counterpart, the California Family Rights Act (CFRA).
These laws guarantee that eligible workers can take a certain amount of unpaid leave without fear that they will lose their jobs, or have to return to a lesser job at the end of their leave. Despite the clarity of the laws, however, many employers in California and elsewhere continue to think that they can get around granting eligible employees leave, and illegally retaliating against employees who do take leave.
As a firm that only handles employment law matters for workers in Southern California, the Law Offices of Lauren Abrams is committed to ensuring that employees get the leave they need to take care of themselves and their families. Our attorneys can help you evaluate your options if you have a valid claim that was denied, or your employer is retaliating against you for having taken a leave.
Eligibility for Leave Under FMLA and CFRA
In order to be eligible to take leave under the FMLA/CFRA, workers must have been with their employer for a minimum number of months and worked for a minimum number of hours.
Employees who meet these criteria are eligible to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave in a year for:
- Care related to the birth of a child or adoption of a child
- Care of a sick or disabled child, spouse or parent
- Care for the employee’s own serious medical condition
These benefits are for full-time employees. If you are a part-time employee, however, you may still be eligible for some leave under the law.
We represent clients whose legitimate claims are denied by their employers. We also represent workers who are not allowed to return to their jobs following the end of a previously approved leave, or who are told that they must take a less demanding, lower-paying job.
Denied Leave of Absence by Your Employer? Contact Us Today
Our Los Angeles FMLA claims lawyers can determine your legal options during a completely confidential, no-fee consultation. Arrange yours by email or call our Beverly Hills office at 310-205-2020.
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