Pregnancy Discrimination
When Your Employer Judges Your Work on Anything But Your Performance, Our Firm is Here
Women have made so many advances in the workplace in recent decades. Yet, there are all-too-often reminders that employers still think that certain forms of on-the-job discrimination are acceptable.
Even as women have slowly but surely closed the pay gap and put ever more cracks in the glass ceiling, one form of gender-related discrimination has seen an ominous rise: pregnancy discrimination.
Despite passage of federal and state laws designed to end this type of discrimination, employers continue to base employment decisions on a woman’s current (or potential) pregnancy status, or deny women leave they are owed under the law.
This is illegal, and the Law Offices of Lauren Abrams has a team of experienced pregnancy discrimination lawyers to ensure that employers in Southern California do not get away with pregnancy discrimination.
We believe that our clients — and all workers — should be judged on their work and their work alone. When hiring managers and supervisors discriminate against women because they are pregnant or have taken mandatory leave, we are here to help make things right.
According to a 2012 study by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), pregnancy discrimination claims have increased nearly every year since 1997. Don’t assume you can’t hold your employer accountable for its discriminatory actions.
How We Can Help
If you believe that pregnancy discrimination was the basis of your employer’s negative employment action or refusal to grant leave, we can evaluate whether you have a likely claim and can file a charge of discrimination with the EEOC or the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH).
You may have a case if you were unfairly:
- Not hired for a position for which you were qualified
- Terminated
- Demoted
- Denied a promotion
- Prevented from returning to your job after maternity leave
We can also help you if you were denied a pregnancy leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and its counterpart, the California Family Rights Act (CFRA). We can help ensure that you receive the leave you are entitled to, and retain the right to return to your current position at the end of your leave.
Don’t Hesitate to Get Legal Help – Contact Our Firm Now
Your employer cannot retaliate against you for learning about your legal options in a consultation. Contact a Los Angeles pregnancy discrimination lawyer online or call 310-205-2020. We represent clients across Southern California.
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