Sexual Harassment
Holding Employers Responsible for Sexual Harassment
It is one of the worst experiences anyone can have on the job: being the target of offensive, nonstop sexual jokes and other remarks, or worse, having one’s job security depend on his or her willingness to engage in sexual activity with a higher-up.
Few people want to admit that sexual harassment still exists in today’s workplaces, but every day women and men find themselves the unfair targets of illegal behavior at the hands of supervisors and colleagues. Many people endure harassment in silence, not wanting to seem like a wet blanket. Others may be afraid of what can happen to them if they seek to stop the behavior, file a formal complaint or even hire a sexual harassment lawyer.
At the Law Offices of Lauren Abrams, we believe that workers do not deserve to put up with sexual harassment on the job. When a client has a claim against an employer, we work aggressively to put a stop to it and help our client get fair compensation for the treatment she or he has endured.
What Constitutes Workplace Harassment?
By law, employers are prohibited from sexually harassing employees. This includes situations where an underling is harassed by a supervisor, workers are harassed by their colleagues with the encouragement of management, and even situations where employers are unaware that harassment is taking place.
Sexual harassment generally falls into one of two categories:
Hostile work environment harassment can include inappropriate touching, leering, catcalling and other offensive gestures and language, as well as the posting of inappropriate sexual materials in common areas such as break rooms.
Quid pro quo harassment occurs when a supervisor, manager or other person in a position of authority makes promises of advancement in exchange for engaging in romantic or sexual behavior. It also occurs when employers flat out condition continued employment on maintaining a sexual relationship.
What Can I Do?
Whether you have reached your breaking point with offensive language and acts at work, or your employer has made it clear that your employment will be contingent on something other than your job performance, we encourage you to seek our experienced legal help.
Your employer cannot retaliate against you for getting legal help, and our attorneys can determine the best way to get harassing behavior to stop. To speak with one of our Los Angeles sexual harassment lawyers, call our Beverly Hills office at 310-205-2020 or send an email. Your initial phone consultation will be free and completely confidential.
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