Wage and Hour Claims
When Fair Work Doesn’t Mean Fair Pay, Our Firm Is Here
At the Law Offices of Lauren Abrams, our attorneys understand that all the job satisfaction in the world can only go so far. We all work to provide for ourselves and our loved ones, and an employer’s refusal to pay fair wages and overtime can impact not just individual employees, but entire families.
That’s why when our clients don’t receive the wages they are entitled to, we get angry. More importantly, we use decades of experience in employment law with wage and hour claims to help our clients collect the wages they’re due and hold employers accountable for their illegal actions.
Even when it concerns something as basic as your pay, we understand it can be difficult to speak with a lawyer. It is illegal for your employer to retaliate against you for seeking your fair wages. Call our firm at 310-205-2020 for a confidential consultation.
Not Paid the Minimum Wage? Involved in an Overtime Dispute? Learn How We Can Help
The term “wage and hour claims” covers many different types of actions that employees may have against employers. For example, you may have a case against your employer if:
- They refuse to pay you the California minimum wage of $12.00/hr. (as of January 1, 2019)
- They refuse to pay you the overtime rate of time and a half. (In California, workers can earn overtime for any work in excess of eight hours a day or 40 hours a week.)
- They misclassify employees as “independent contractors” to avoid offering overtime, benefits, reimbursement for job-related expenses, unemployment insurance, and more.
- They engage in employee misclassification by treating “exempt” employees as “nonexempt” in order to avoid paying overtime altogether.
Often, wage and hour claim issues affect not just individual employees, but entire staffs. We have handled class-action suits where whole groups of employees were being denied fair wages by their employers. Whether your employer is shortchanging just you or all your co-workers, we can pursue legal actions to ensure you receive the wages you have earned through hard work.
Contact Us for a Free Phone Consultation
Call 310-205-2020 or email us to speak with an experienced California wage and hour law attorney. Your privacy and confidentiality will be completely respected.
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