Wrongful Termination
Standing Up For Workers Who have Been Wrongfully Terminated
Anyone who has ever been called into the boss’s office on a Friday afternoon and heard the words “We’re going to have to let you go” knows that it’s one of the most devastating experiences imaginable.
It’s one thing to lose your job because of unavoidable downsizing, or because you just weren’t getting the job done, or even because you engaged in improper behavior. If none of these is the case, however, and you’re left wondering, “Why did I really lose my job?” you most likely have questions about whether your employer terminated you for unlawful reasons.
Our firm represents workers in Southern California whose employers violated the law by letting them go. Our wrongful termination lawyers understand that few people who suddenly find themselves out of a job can afford to go without work for too long. We also understand that a wrongful termination on someone’s employment history can have negative effects for years down the road. This is why we aggressively stand up to employers who have illegally fired employees to make sure that our clients have a fair shot to succeed in the workplace.
We handle cases involving termination related to:
- Illegal discrimination on the basis of age, pregnancy, disability, race, national origin, sexual orientation or religion
- Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and California Family Rights Act (CFRA) claims
- Retaliation for whistleblowing or demanding fair pay
If you have a case, we may be able to help you get reinstated in your job, or obtain compensation for the time you have been out of work. We understand that our clients’ livelihood is on the line, and we do everything possible to make sure that an illegal firing doesn’t haunt them for years to come.
Learn If You Have a Case For Unlawful Wrongful Termination
One of our Los Angeles wrongful termination lawyers can evaluate your case in a free and confidential phone consultation. Call our Beverly Hills office at 310-205-2020 or send an email for experienced, compassionate legal help.
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